Danone Waters of America, Inc.
Danone Waters of America inspires healthy hydration by bringing premium sourced water to local communities while fostering local circularity initiatives for the preservation of the planet. Danone Waters of America distributes evian® natural spring water, Volvic® natural spring water, and Badoit® sparkling natural mineral water.Danone Waters of America is a champion of sustainability, supporting major actions to drive the step change needed to preserve the environment. The company is devoted to continually improving the sustainability performance of its packaging and has set targets to continue increasing the amount of recycled plastic (rPET) in its products. In 2017, evian® achieved Carbon Neutral certification for its bottling site as well as in the U.S. and Canada from the Carbon Trust and is currently working towards becoming a circular brand by 2025.Danone Waters of America is a subsidiary of Danone, which is dedicated to bringing health through food to as many people as possible. Danone Waters of America embraces Danone’s One Planet. One Health vision that the health of the people and the health of the planet are interconnected and therefore seeks to protect and nourish both.
Location: White Plains, New York, United States
Sector: Wholesale/Retail